Freedom | Teen Ink


January 24, 2017
By Naila BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Naila BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom exists in your mind
Freedom is what you make it
It could be a rainbow
Where everyone is there different color
But we all form together into something beautiful
In your brain, you can choose who you are
You choose how you want to be treated and what is your freedom
Freedom in my mind is a key
A key that has no lock
A key that is looking for a match so it can explore the other side
So that it can explore freedom
This key won't work on its own
It needs unity
It needs all of the people to work together to get this key to freedom
The door is open
Bright lights and echoes of noises is heard throughout the entry
It is like nothing no one has ever seen before
It is a combination of different people’s voices together
Because for there to be freedom there needs to be equality
Laughter and celebration and people, none of the same
They are all heard throughout the door
What is heard was freedom

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