Autumn: A Splash of Color | Teen Ink

Autumn: A Splash of Color

March 6, 2017
By Bezirk2107 SILVER, Eaton, Colorado
Bezirk2107 SILVER, Eaton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Changing in color with mysterious wonder
Greens and blues shift to yellows and reds
Leaves fall and paint the ground
Covered up facades
Like identities of wonder and fear
The spirit of autumn is here
The air beginning to chill
Yet not quite enough to freeze
The preciousness of peace
Is present throughout the season
Almost warm and fragile itself
Is the season of Autumn’s presence
A sure sign of what’s to come
The season of autumn is almost over
But the season’s vibrance will not tarnish
It only supplements the Artist’s canvas

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by the vibrance of the season Autumn.

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