For Change | Teen Ink

For Change

August 23, 2017
By WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

We are

riddled by the past,

misguided by the influence

of views that last,

still scratching up

to rip open old scars

and defend a future

we think is ours,

shadowed by the need

to destroy and harass.

The view from this side of the glass

is bittersweet;

I'm protected,

but never at ease,

guarded by naivete,

stuck in a colorblind world

that sees in shades of

black or white,

perfect or broken,

always or never.


we do

seems like hypocrisy.

But what is the danger,

freedom or authority?

No matter what I see,

through chaos and melee,

and everything I know

of human nature,

I still believe

that we can grow

despite our flaws.

And so,

I wait for the break.

I drop into the pause

and look beneath

to discover a world that is

more than skin deep.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in light of recent events in Charlottesville.  I have the hope that, despite past events, we will find the courage and wisdom to rise above racism and discrimination.

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