My True Home | Teen Ink

My True Home

December 1, 2017
By Margeaux.m BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Margeaux.m BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from sundaes, blue bell, and powdered sugar
I am from the house that was supposed to be a park, floral, grande, it felt like a plantation
I am from the hummingbirds, the roses with a smell so sweet, almost like watermelon

I’m from the goober Christmas pictures and possibilities, from Cigali, Viola, and Houlihan
I’m from the cooks who cook too much and small family dinners
I am from the “Yay! Margie’s babysitting” and “You will always be my sunshine”
I’m from St. Therese of Lisieux who led my family through prayer during rough times

I’m from Morristown and crazy family stories, shepard’s pie and noodle kugel
From the moment my maw maw held me in her arms and stared at me with love in her eyes, and the day my mimi showed me how to sew and how her love is sewn into my heart forever

On a shelf in my grandmother’s house are the old photos, so old the corners are curling and turning yellow in their boxes
I am from writing and inspiration, and the love and support from my family that always makes me feel at home

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