A Listener’s Lament | Teen Ink

A Listener’s Lament

December 6, 2017
By Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tired of the sounds that come out of a mouth
The words seem to drown around the ear
It seems the feelings all head down south
The whole world seems to just disappear
This is a listener’s lament


Being kind and quiet, listening to the problems
Sitting there and paying attention to every detail
Sounds seem to be the only thing that blossom
The world starts to move like a snail
This is a listener’s lament


Never wanting to speak up
Nor wanting to become a burden
Letting my own feelings buildup
My own mind becoming uncertain
This is a listener’s lament


Becoming swallowed whole by the darkness
My hands going cold and numb
It’s hard when the mind and body both become heartless
Because it means that the heartbeat slows like a drum
This is a listener’s lament


After years of listening, the thoughts get louder
It becomes harder to get out of the pit you dug
You start to look from your room, not wanting to leave your highest tower
And that’s the moment you unplug
This is a listener’s lament


But even after talking it out
The thoughts still creep back in
Will anyone ever care if you doubt
Or will they just see what you could’ve been?
This is a listener’s lament

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this is my own anxiety. My own thoughts that drown my mind. Its how during highschool things are amplified and it gets harder and harder to control the darkness, even if you get help. Its my own feelings, but feel free to interpret it your way.

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