The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

December 6, 2017
By carzim BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
carzim BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I went to a tropical place,
Accompanied by my family to embrace,
Another summer’s beginning.

Walking down the sandy beach,
I can see the ocean within my reach.
Near the ocean there is a line of seashells,
So I stop to stare at each.

Wandering back towards the sand,
I made my up to dryer land.
My little cousins were by our umbrella,
Building sand castles by hand.

By the time evening had come,
Everyone had gone into the crystal blue ocean and swum.
We were too invested in exploring the island,
To realize that not applying sunscreen was very dumb.

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