A Wooly War | Teen Ink

A Wooly War

December 12, 2017
By Doe_Daddy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Doe_Daddy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A prehistoric beast shuffles forward.
For now, a hulking mass of shaggy fur keeps the cold at bay.
He lumbers on, slowly, in search of better times.
All twelve of his tons trudge through tundra snow.

His pie plate prints begin to fill as
Mother nature dumps more flakes of death.
His movement slows, then halts. He has surrendered
His grave is filled over, and frozen forever.

Years pass and climates change, thawing nature’s coffin.
His ivory tusks erupt from the snow.
It's doesn't take long for people to notice and erect plans.
Steel shovels shift slush and snow away from his frozen carcass     

He is excavated and transported in the carefullest way.
Pieces come together to fill gaps like a jigsaw.
The puzzle is complete and he stands in his original glory.
The resurrection of a brimming, beautiful, beast is complete.

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