The Hero | Teen Ink

The Hero

December 11, 2017
By Anonymous

You'll want to be the hero.

I know,

I did too, once.


And I know

that even though it's a fatal risk,

you'll run, headlong,

into that burning home

to try to save her


you will breathe in that smoke,


and you will fight those flames


to get to her


But when you do reach her

in the heart of that blazing inferno,

there she will sit,


unphased, unharmed, unburnt


only then,

when your lungs are suffocated  

by her ash,

your heart poisoned

by her smoke,

your skin scorched

by her blaze,

only then will you realize

that girl you wanted more than anything

to save from fire


is the same girl

who holds the match

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