Medicine for the Soul | Teen Ink

Medicine for the Soul

December 11, 2017
By Wolvesta SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
Wolvesta SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Music is a powerful art that your mind can channel into something truly magical." - Liam Seagrave

There is a medicine for the soul

A universal elixir for everything
It enters your body and you feel invincible
The sickness cured
You can be at your lowest low
Or your highest peak
You can carry it in your pocket and save it 
There is never an overdose
It reflects your feelings
This medicine is music

The author's comments:

Music has such a powerful impact on people, it's the one thing that brings people together, even when someone is having a terrible awful day, it can get better with music. 

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