Old Town Milwaukee: Night Lurkers | Teen Ink

Old Town Milwaukee: Night Lurkers

December 11, 2017
By 9huhniuk SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9huhniuk SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

9:30 p.m
The streets have begun to sleep,
and the guard of the town has come out,
prepared to protect his city.
At the same time, the vandals awake.
His revolver sits in its holster.

10:42 p.m
The guard hears a scream,
and he turns to its direction,
heading towards Haymarket Square.
There had been a robbery.
His revolver sits in his hand.

10:45 p.m
Stopping outside the store,
gasping for oxygen,
he regains his breath.
He kicks the back door open.
His revolver sits in his hand, aimed forward.

10:47 p.m
His body changed,
adrenaline rushing within it.
His eyes trail back and forth,
finding their target.
His revolver sits in his hand with dust cloud of death departing its nozzle.

10:48 p.m
Blood spews out,
as the dust cloud settles.
A dead body is discovered.
This is what he was trained for.
His revolver sits on the ground with a crimson stain.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my creative writing class.

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