Stars | Teen Ink


December 12, 2017
By shaab BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
shaab BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I lay awake in the tall grass.
What hour it is I cannot tell,
But I have been counting the stars for ages now.
The lonesome road I rest beside farther away now than any foreign galaxy.

And as the rain begins to fall upon my face it is as if the stars are falling.
The lightning that crashes nothing more than constellations tumbling to earth.
I hear a car rush down the highway and I could almost believe it is the train to another planet.
If it stops for me I think I would go and explore the universe.

But it is not yet time to see earth from up above.
So instead I imagine the storm around me is the heavens coming down to greet me,
And I pick the daisies around me as I await the dawn.
Their soft petals glimmering in the fading moonlight reminding me that soon I must go.

And as the sun peeks over the horizon I walk towards it,
Remembering where I must go and what I must do
When I am no longer counting the stars.

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