Free Butterfly | Teen Ink

Free Butterfly

December 11, 2017
By erricaa189 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
erricaa189 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An adventurous five-year-old girl,
made of wonder and envy for butterflies
has a smile stuck on her face as she approaches.
This is her first time visiting the exhibit.

There is an immediate 80 degree heat that propels from the exhibit,
those inside living in an atmosphere among a tropical garden.
Rainforest plants decorate the exhibit,
that become platforms for the butterflies to land on.

She spies a cocoon just above her,
with the butterfly inside appearing free.
The butterfly escapes, spreads its wings, and joins the others.
She reaches on her tiptoes for the butterflies, but they immediately flee.

She notices thousands of free-flying butterflies,
each  in different directions than the other.
The butterflies swirl with zig zag patterns, looking like kites in the air,
each ablaze with orange, red, black, and white wings.

I am an adventurous 12-year-old girl now,
made of wonder and not so much envy anymore.
I have a slight smile stuck on my face as I approach the exhibit,
This is my most recent time visiting the exhibit.

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