polar | Teen Ink


March 2, 2018
By lauralee_ BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
lauralee_ BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my brother and i seem to be polar opposites.
we are magnets—the north and south poles.
while i retreat from others, people gravitate towards him.
if he is the sun, i am pluto:


when friday night rolls around,

he’s surrounded by people, while i bask in the solitude of my bed.
he’s effortlessly intelligent, simply having fun, while i sit at my desk,
        studying for hours upon hours.
he’s never worried: unconcerned about grades or school,

telling me to loosen up,
something i wish i could do.
but anxiety is hardwired into me.
a worry that i’ll fall short of perfect.
a fear that keeps me awake at night.
a terrifying emotion that he never has to face.

sometimes i find myself looking straight at the green eyed monster;
sometimes i even have to battle anger, but
sometimes i wonder if he ever feels the same about me:
       the overachiever, the one to please our parents, the daddy’s           girl.
at those times, i remember the emotions i’ve seen him deal with:
anger, sadness, heartbreak.

i know that we may have opposite charges,
but opposites attract.
despite everything, we’re both human,
and—more than that—
we’re family.

The author's comments:

I wrote about my own relationship with my brother, hoping that others could relate. 

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