My Mouth | Teen Ink

My Mouth

March 7, 2018
By Joey_Pilrose BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Joey_Pilrose BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mouth.
It’s rather big, words spill out of it without hesitation.
Even now, I speak during this presentation.
Never do I consider relenting this vocal habituation,
For the words I speak are both truth and reconciliation.

They form in my mind
Travel down my spine
And pass through these lips of mine.
I put careful consideration into my words
For they are the wards
Of this mind of mine.

The concepts I conceptualize remain locked away
Kept at bay
Until my words lead them out into the conversational fray.
I understand their importance,
So please speak your mind.

Words bring to life
What otherwise would be kept in strife.
Words worm their way out of neural prisons
and thus construct a multitude of new visions.
For it is a shame when words are contingent
To formats where scrutiny isn’t stringent
And where judgement seldom occurs.

Words can bring truth
Regardless of view,
Lyrical rendition,
Speak your mind,
For the world cannot suffer more loss of intuition.

My mouth,
It’s rather big.
Just now without lamentation
I went on a tangent with no consideration
of the time that this presentation
Took away from my fellow students embroiled with education.
So at last, I’ll bid you adieu.
Just remember, speak what is true.

The author's comments:

I am a student from Bedford Senior High School, and I like to use poetry to express the objective and avid truths in life.

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