In My Dreams | Teen Ink

In My Dreams

March 7, 2018
By BleedingOuterSpace SILVER, Seattle, Washington
BleedingOuterSpace SILVER, Seattle, Washington
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Write like your running out of time"

They say he’s in a better place

I say I’ll see him on the other side

But that may be a lie

He never was the best person

But the best for me

And now he’s gone

I’m scared that he won’t be waiting

That I’ll never see him again

His blue eyes

Brown Hair

He was too young to be taken,

From this world

I only hope that I’ll see him in my dreams

That I’ll never forget

His smile, laugh the way he never gave up

The way he never gave up on me

Sometimes I feel he is still here

But he is only a memory

A ghost haunting my dreams

A ghost I hope will never leave

I used to wonder if I could live without him

I pushed the thoughts away, thinking that won’t happen

But it did

And I pushed away those thought as well

But now I remember

The pain,

But darling, I didn’t forget you, and I promise I never will

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