Up Above | Teen Ink

Up Above

March 13, 2018
By PlayfulPoet BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
PlayfulPoet BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

I wish for a lot

We all do

So it's ok,

I know I'm not the first

But I do wish

To go up above

To be able to touch the clouds


And the moon too

But I guarantee,

You've heard that before

But it's ok,

I know 

I know I'm not the first

I don't want to go to get away

It's just so I can feel it

For myself What the clouds 


And the moon too

Feel like

Because it's my first

So I will still wish

To go up above

The author's comments:

At night I would always look outside my window and imagine what it would be like to touch the clouds, stars, and moon. Although I knew it wouldn't sound new to someone else it was my dream and my wish it was my thoughts. I also want to thank my friends and family who are so supportive and they're the reason I keep writing. I hope that people understand that just because someone has dreamt it, it doesn't mean you can't either. But when you do make it bigger, make it brighter, make it you. That's all there is to it, just be you don't worry what people will say. It's your dream or wish so let it be yours not theirs.

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