Don't Just Live Purposely Rotting | Teen Ink

Don't Just Live Purposely Rotting

April 22, 2018
By AaronJ2122 BRONZE, Trabuco Canyon, California
AaronJ2122 BRONZE, Trabuco Canyon, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I Think Therefore I Am.&quot;-Rene Descartes<br /> &quot;Veni Vidi Vici.&quot;-Julius Caesar<br /> &quot;Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.&quot;-Thomas Edison

Don’t just live your life purposely rotting,
Why, try to put some band aid on them,
The rotting process is a dull process you know,
It would not get done by just a blink of your eyes.

Why not then, instill some thrill, some excitement in your life,
Maybe find a religion; find your role on society; pursue what you love,
Or let love pursue you; make valuable friends; make your friends valuable;
Rule the lands and seas; eat every kind of meals, there is such beautiful things to do.

For time ticks by in haggard slowness,
Seconds drip and minutes ripples in this void of time,
And as you lay there without a thought in your head or a thing in your hand,
The time just slowly ticks by.

So don’t just sit and be purposely rotting, at least that is inevitable,
Go do something to ease it.

The author's comments:

"Everyone ages, so I wrote a poem about it.

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