For Silent Sam | Teen Ink

For Silent Sam

May 9, 2018
By PygmyGiraffe SILVER, Apex, North Carolina
PygmyGiraffe SILVER, Apex, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t drop your gaze

Keep one on the hilt and one on the barrel

towards your Northern enemy


Don’t think about the books
You dropped at Dixie’s call
Keep your stance firm
March when they call for you


With your cowboy hat
With your bronze coat
With your hollow eyes and straight lips
You have forged your own battlefield


You have left your bite in a locked box
You have buried it somewhere blameless away
belt loop still holding
The shined bayonet and powdered dogma
Half of you even the freshmen


Don’t study on the steps with eyes down
Don’t call yourself a civilian


Consider her dread at his wordless remark
He the centurion estranged from wisdom
Conscripted to timely judgement


After washing rebuilding our beloved street
filth drips into his thirsty roots
He drinks and fills his C.S.A canteen
Comfortably present


Don’t think you’ve turned invisible
Don’t crease your precious eyes
She is coming to uproot


You will protest
Crumbling into unfounded exaltation
For she is the change
And we are with her

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by Rita Dove's poem "Lady Freedom Among Us", written about a statue of the titular character. Similarly, my poem is written to the statue of Silent Sam, a monument to Confederate soldiers on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The latter part of the poem is a call to action aimed towards students at the university who have lead the fight to remove the statue. 

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