Valley | Teen Ink


May 15, 2018
By BEllaK BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
BEllaK BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The deepest valley I have ever seen,
Tens of thousands of shades of green,
Each one representing something new, something different, something to do,
As I gaze at the sights below, I recall how long it took to reach the top.

After all, I have made the climb once before but alas, I wanted it all and did not stop.
I kept climbing, making my fall only more painful, for my journey was in vain,
And in my new rise, I am more grateful as I have overcome the fear of pain, 
I reached to top too fast once and ended up passing up many of the most beautiful sights along the journey.

But this time; however, I have found the key,
All I have ever needed was inside of me,
I especially miss being at the bottom and gazing at the starry nights,
I reminisce about the times I was with my friends and seemed to conquered our frights.

A memory comes to mind, one I hold most dear,
the time I spent with the ones  I love, whose presence I hold forever near,
As I look deeper into the ever-alluring valley I hear birds and cannot help but to think of the words “What a wonderful life.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a component of an English project and ended up really enjoying it. 

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