Despair | Teen Ink


May 21, 2018
By thelifeline117 SILVER, Rocky Point, North Carolina
thelifeline117 SILVER, Rocky Point, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Despair a word with with so much meaning

but so little value 

and so little joy

when we feel despair we sometimes dont think

but act 

act on the emotions 

that we feel at that moment 

we feel worthless 

we feel dead

we feel as though life has not much more to bring

but let me tell you this much 

do not act on these emotions

you are priceless, loved beyound our human definiton

so do not act on these emotions of despair

depression sadness grief 

do not give up you have so much to live for 

I may not know but that dosent matter because I love with a ferverent fire

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