I am a Paint Brush | Teen Ink

I am a Paint Brush

May 22, 2018
By thewritinggirl GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
thewritinggirl GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day, I am used to color. I call upon the paints to display different doodles and scenes across the papers. Depending on the situation, depending on the person, depending on my feelings, I throw colors across the wide canvas in front of me.

Some days, I pick a light green and lightly trace the scene of a willow trees and tiger lilies  across my canvas. Calmness depicted, sweet smiles are felt and touched by the movement of the brush.

Some days, I pick a dark blue, which I splash and spray onto the canvas, ruining it’s pure white beauty with the gloominess and disastrous stress of the splotchy, blue paint storm. Depicted is a stressful, sad wave of emotion, my movement slows as tears flow down the canvas, creating the ocean.

Some days, I will pick a bright yellow. I dance and swing across the canvases white array, painting a landscape of a warm sun and sand off the coast of Naples, FL. Depicted is my happy place, a place where I feel warm and welcome, a place where I feel a smile never leave my face. I sway around my canvas putting on the finishing touches, it should be picture perfect.

Once the colors run together, and my tip becomes clogged with different paints, I take a break and wash off, getting ready to start a new masterpiece, a new canvas, blank and ready to explore the day’s inspirations.

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