Recipe for a Sobfest | Teen Ink

Recipe for a Sobfest

May 22, 2018
By thewritinggirl GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
thewritinggirl GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1 load of alarms going off late
1 bowl of cold oatmeal
A heap of parent’s screaming
2 quiet car rides
2 missing assignments
1 forgotten quiz
Mounds of crabby teachers
A handful of fighting friends
A teaspoon of nausea
2 tablespoons of stress
3 overflowing mounds of homework

First, start off with 1 load of alarms going off late in your ear. With this, immediately add the cold bowl of oatmeal for a stale, tired taste to your meal. Sprinkle in a generous amount of screaming parents, which then immediately leads to pouring in a teaspoon of nausea. In a separate bowl, place 1 quiet car ride in the bottom and gently knead, this can calm the taste of the meal to make it more pleasant. Once again, take another bowl and add 2 missing assignments, a dash of a forgotten quiz, and sprinkle on top of these 5 mounds of crabby teachers. Mix thoroughly and roughly to add a sour substance to your dish. In another small mixing bowl, drop 3 overflowing mounds of homework and a teaspoon of stress into the bowl. Combine all 4 bowls together and mix vigorously until your hands ache. Once mixed, place the handful of fighting friends  around the rim of your dish. Sprinkle another tablespoon of stress on top to finish your masterpiece and let it sit for .5 seconds before it hits you with it’s horrible taste and sourness in your stomach, making your eyes water and breath shorten.
Serve this to family and friends with a side of a hot bubble bath to sweeten the taste just slightly.

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