I am a Bird | Teen Ink

I am a Bird

May 24, 2018
By 8lorenz GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
8lorenz GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With the seasons changing, grass growing, and birds chirping—I feel welcomed back home. With the warmer weather coming, I am getting more and more energetic. With the spring, the rain comes down harder than we’d like but it’s understanding. We cannot complain. Our neighbors build us boxed, wooden homes that we couldn’t be more thankful for— we are appreciative.
We spend our days building nests and sitting on eggs, protecting our chicks from predators, encouraging them to fly, and finding them food. We go out and hunt for mud pellets, grass, and feathers to make the most efficient and safe nests for our chicks that we can. We typically build on top of ledges, barns, in garages, or any building that offers safe access.
When it comes to warmer weather and neighbors that are trying to help keep us safe, we feel very energetic, understanding, and very appreciative. I am a bird and it’s nice to be home.

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