A Journey Through A Stormy Night | Teen Ink

A Journey Through A Stormy Night

June 9, 2018
By punya-bhasin BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
punya-bhasin BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You must be the change you want to see in the world. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
-Mahatma Gadhi

A raft beneath a stormy sky

Crashing through the billowing waves

As the passengers look for ships nearby

Three men lie together with fear

Of things unknown that might appear

With shivers and trembles they try to steer

They cower under the mighty sky

The thunder begins to amplify

Then the men scream out a battle cry-

The refuse for this to be their demise

And try to turn their fate clockwise

As they wait for the sun to rise

Morning comes and they dock their boat at the pier

And hug all their people near and dear

Blessed and grateful they yell ALL CLEAR

In a blessed place they lie

Dreaming as time goes by

Whether they can still sing their battle cry

Through the billowing waves they scream

Their faces through the salty air begin to beam

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Lewis Carroll's poetry. It outlines the instinctual and innate habits of humankind in their need and hunger for adventure and danger. 

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