The Hoop | Teen Ink

The Hoop

November 18, 2018
By BKelley BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
BKelley BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We head to the court.
Our team warms up for the game.
Then, the whistle blows.

I jump for the tip,
I slap the ball to my team,
As my team snags it!

All of us spread out.
We pass the ball to the wing.
He drains his deep shot!

We set up in zone,
The point guard drives to the hoop.
I shut down his shot.

I drive to the hoop
I start flying in the air,
Then I dunk the ball!

The clock is beeping,
We run and jump in the air,
Our team wins the game!

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