Yearning What’s Gone | Teen Ink

Yearning What’s Gone

May 24, 2020
By VALERIE7032 BRONZE, Paramount, California
VALERIE7032 BRONZE, Paramount, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bloomed out of nothing.

Thorny, petals wilting as

her prince journeyed off.

Flying through the air,

burning the child he once was.

A starry laugh heard.

Wanted nothing more to be 

tamed, to feel wanted.

Golden hair, he found. 

Little, all he was.

His heart beats for one, willing 

to kiss death for her.

The author's comments:

      Valerie is a natural born daredevil that dresses like your local librarian. Surviving almost getting run over by a bus and Toyota, they’ve felt inspired by their adventures, miraculous maneuvers from death, to create short stories and poems that entail satirical comedy and ludicrous situations. In Valerie’s natural habitat, her bedroom is filled with piles of paper on the floor, ornately covered booksehelves, and Valerie on her bed covered with splotches of acrylic paint as she furiously stabs a canvas. When she’s not painting her feelings away, or feeding her obese goldfish, she’s typing away in her desktop computer about high stake heists to a teenager coping the passing of her mother. Valerie plans to major in Psychology and Studio Art at CSU Long Beach, as she has great fascination in observing and deciphering people’s emotions and behavior, which has alo poured over in her writing. The main themes of her writing are set on the consequence of people’s actions, and how that can be a catalyst to another character's behaviors. As she grows up, Valerie hopes to develop a better understanding of the human’s mind and record her findings, whether it be a paintbrush or a pen. 

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