Disappointment | Teen Ink


June 3, 2009
By TheNatural GOLD, Aurora, Oregon
TheNatural GOLD, Aurora, Oregon
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The endless rainfall
Shattering my hope of sun
Forming mud puddles.

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This article has 17 comments.

on Dec. 13 2021 at 4:06 pm
Savannahk946 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
9 articles 2 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Poetry is not meant to be read with the eyes but to be read with an elegant soul. Not to be thought about with your head but with a powerful heart.
- Savannah Kealey

OMG THIS IS SO AMAZING! I love how it creates an image in your head and we can tell what the writer is feeling great job!

on Apr. 27 2018 at 1:28 pm
JackCuncannan BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
Quality poem

NoniDoni GOLD said...
on May. 9 2015 at 6:29 pm
NoniDoni GOLD, Calabasas, California
11 articles 0 photos 54 comments
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's beautifully written!

Buttercupz said...
on May. 22 2012 at 9:36 pm
Buttercupz, Savona, New York
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"-the mad hatter
"you must be the change you wish to see in the world"-ghandi

Short, simple and Fantastic!!!! is all i gotta say. Nice job :)

AMAWHI said...
on May. 22 2012 at 10:11 am
I like this haiku a lot! It reminds me the days that there was rain when I needed the sunshine to make me happy. Good job, I really like it. I t brought me sorrow and memories good and bad.

on Sep. 1 2011 at 1:03 pm
dia.dreamer GOLD, Kochi, Other
10 articles 0 photos 145 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I saw an angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo
"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am." - Sylvia Plath

my friend also feels that haiku are incomplete/short. but that's the whole point. to bring lots of meaning into few but powerful words. the rest is upto our imagination.

love the haiku. you did a really awesome job. keep writing. :)

on Nov. 19 2010 at 11:35 am
DragonMaster66.6 BRONZE, Washougal, Washington
1 article 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" -Conan the Barbarian-

That was very good, and this also brought me disappoinment. Not the haiku itself but rather the haiku. What I'm trying to say is that you chose a good title as well. :)

nancyyy BRONZE said...
on Oct. 28 2010 at 7:31 pm
nancyyy BRONZE, Spotsylvania, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The bigger the dreams, the smaller the competition"

Wow! A very strong haiku. In haikus I find it hard to find the right few words, but here they are carefully chosen to describe the rain perfectly.

on Sep. 14 2010 at 10:27 am
GreenLover SILVER, Anaheim, California
5 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Time is but a number

nicely written. so little words but big meaning.

you should check out some of my new work. rate, commet, critize. thanks!

on Aug. 23 2010 at 11:34 am
Blue4indigo PLATINUM, Sturbridge, Connecticut
24 articles 0 photos 382 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather be sorry for something that I did than for something I didn't do.
-Red Scott

Great poem-so little words, yet such vivid pictures. 5/5 stars!

By the way, would you read some of my stories, rate, and critisize? Thanks.

on Aug. 1 2010 at 12:29 pm
cmCampbell SILVER, Cedar Grove, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every minute you spend angry is 60 seconds you lose of happiness!"

I love the idea of rain shattering hopes! I can really see it! Great job! Please check out my article entitled True Blood! :D Thank you

on Jul. 10 2010 at 9:46 pm
yazhira_saphira BRONZE, Laguna, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think therefore I am.

nice haiku...good meaning.but personally, I really don't like haikus. They're to short to be appreciated.haha.

on Jun. 18 2010 at 3:14 pm
ShenelleCrystal SILVER, M, New York
7 articles 0 photos 186 comments

Favorite Quote:
Laugh your heart out dance in the rain cherish the memories ignore the pain love + learn forget and forgive because remember you only have [one life to live] ♥

That was so good !  Don't ever stop  writing :)

Please come and check out my poems [comment or rate] Thank u

on May. 5 2010 at 2:37 pm
Patience97 PLATINUM, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
27 articles 8 photos 135 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People believe that if we really want to eliminate something, focus on that. How much sense does it make for us to give the particular problem all of the energy, as opposed to focusing on trust, love, living in abundance, education, or peace? -Un.

I like the way I can relate to your poem.

on Mar. 22 2010 at 8:08 pm
ParamoreFan131, Greeley, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing to fear is fear itself....and spiders"

Wow love it :) Fantastic job!

on Jan. 16 2010 at 11:50 pm
Chibbie1 PLATINUM, Atlanta, Georgia
38 articles 8 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reach for the the moon for if you fail you land amongst the stars :)

hey this is really awsome i can tell how much you feel the rain

on Sep. 2 2009 at 2:47 pm
Hope_Princess BRONZE, Hebron, New Hampshire
4 articles 4 photos 376 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."

This has such clear imagery and I could almost see the rain streaming down my windows.

Keep writing!