The Shipwreck | Teen Ink

The Shipwreck

February 20, 2023
By thorjorg-fairhair BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
thorjorg-fairhair BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Above the water,

Lies a boat of cedar wood

On the sea, it’s still

Gently rocks itself

To the beat of turquoise waves.

The sky is bright, clear

Until the rhythm

Increases tempo, faster

And faster it goes

Thunder echoes near,

Currants become choppy

Hitting the aged ship

Sharp and swift, like knives

Scratching against the vessel

Like a cat’s sharp claw

Shooting from the sky

Black as ink and dark as coal

Are bolts of lightning

Sails tear in cruel winds,

Cargo rolls across the deck

Crew fears for their life

Before long, the ship

Once robust, tough, and mighty

Lies on the seafloor

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