The Force it Takes | Teen Ink

The Force it Takes

February 19, 2024
By GoldHeart BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
GoldHeart BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." --Albert Einstein

Unblemished glass lake–

A single droplet splashes

Ripples shatter glass.

The author's comments:

This piece is a short haiku about the fragility of perfection. I have always valued awareness and humility; athough it's significantly important to love yourself, there's a fine difference between self-love and ego. Just like the beautiful glass lake disturbed by a single drop, even the quintessential view of perfection can be disrupted. Self-absorption is the blockage to self-improvment, and with no improvement, even the smallest things may create ripples to what you stand for. I find it crucial to acknowledge that, and wanted to convey that into this piece. 

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