Beaches | Teen Ink


May 3, 2024
By ichavez BRONZE, Wilmington, California
ichavez BRONZE, Wilmington, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beaches are beauty                      -5

Blue shimmery waves, beauty      -7

All beauty there is                         -5

Colorful sunsets                            -5

Pink, orange, yellow sunsets        -7

Leading to water                           -5

Sounds of the water                      -5

People walking and talking           -7

Birds flying around                        -5

The sunny warm air                      -5

People laying, getting tans           -7

Warm, sunny, hot air                    -5

Some sea animals                       -5

Fish, crabs, seahorses, turtles     -7

Seagull, stork, gull, snipe             -5

Big, tall, green nature                   -5

Different textures, colors              -7

Algae, seaweed, kelp                   -5

People running, miles                  -5

Looking for a perfect song           -7

Done, finished 5 miles                 -5

8 am, surfers                               -5

Surfing the beautiful waves         -7

1 pm, surfers gone                    -5

Summer is beach time                 -5

Babies, kids, teens, and adults    -7

Best time of their life                    -5

Hot sand, steaming feet               -5

Everywhere I walk there’s sand   -7

Kids playing with sand                 -5

The author's comments:

I wrote about the beaches because I really love going to the beach to run or just to hang out. I want to spread a message on how powerful and impact nature can bring us together. I wanted to express my love towards the beaches and just wanted to share how peaceful beaches can be no matter what. I really hope my poem spreads and impacts people to go outside, it doesn't even matter if they don't go to the beach at least somewhere outside where there is nature to connect with others. 

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