Just for Kicks | Teen Ink

Just for Kicks

January 12, 2024
By King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
111 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Numquam finitur, donec vita finiatur."
- K. D'Angelo Alexander

An old man once wrote a limerick,

As old as the days of a firestick

How did it go?

I do not know!

But I’m sure he did it just for kicks

The author's comments:

A limerick about a limerick. The joke being that a person tells someone else that they heard of an old man who wrote a limerick, but they didn’t know how it went, when in fact he is telling the person the limerick. 

(Hence the title “Just for Kicks,” since it was a joke.)

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