Symbolizing XVI | Teen Ink

Symbolizing XVI

October 14, 2009
By AdamShinigami BRONZE, Layton, Utah
AdamShinigami BRONZE, Layton, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
~~Ingrid Bergman

I ride a horse, a horse I ride!
A silly Frenchman’s course I tried!
Much fun followed through the town,
Somehow during lost my crown.
And on the way home back I cried.

The author's comments:
At first I wasn't aiming for much, just attempting a Limerick poem; it changed when I decided it sounded a lot like Louis XVI. The horse symbolizes power, nobility, and strength; all characteristics a king should possess. The "silly course he tired" is related to the multiple attempts to get the country out of debt and the fun through town is a reference to Marie Antoinette and all her "fun games." And the rest is pretty obvious.. it was a fun way to give a poem meaning (even though Limericks are usually funny or nonsensical).

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