Crescent Luminance | Teen Ink

Crescent Luminance

January 13, 2011
By SarahReed BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
SarahReed BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The crescent luminance dances across the stage
Always following the sizzling finale in the sky
The theatre fills with joyous stars, yet some soar by
Beauty too rich to describe with words on a page
Opportunities for rest, revival for the minds sage
This performance allows the dance of dreams
As all bodies sleep, the beauty of nature still beams
Beneath the stage, tranquil peace blankets any rage
The sun patiently awaits its returning chance to shine
Petals of flowers softly succumb to sleep
Songs of birds gently cease as shores align
Rapids of ocean waves simmer to a meditation so serene and deep
Beds of grass caress deer under tall trees of pine
The crescent luminance admires the beauty over which it dares to leap.

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