Uncle Bobby | Teen Ink

Uncle Bobby

March 28, 2013
By RachelLovesHannah BRONZE, Mckenna, Washington
RachelLovesHannah BRONZE, Mckenna, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dear Darla, I hate your stinkin' guts, You're the scum between my toes. You make me vomit.
Love, Alfalfa."

i know you were depressed
been hurting for a while
you just weren't happy
couldn't take the pain anymore

you were my hero
seemed too happy to want to die
looks can be deceiving though
and it's not like you didn't try

thirteen surgeries later
they said there was nothing more that they could do
you put the gun to your mouth
counted to three, skipped two

you weren't trying to be selfish
it was a deadly disease
that made you give up
. . . put your life at ease.

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