I am an Outcast | Teen Ink

I am an Outcast

January 28, 2014
By KyrathePanda GOLD, Antioch, California
KyrathePanda GOLD, Antioch, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can only be you, or them, or we, I can only be me."

I am an outcast
Banished from the inner circle
I leave with bruises
A deep purple
Cries in the night,the joy, the might
something i will never know
cause I'm an outcast
always picked last
I will never know
why they throw me below

The author's comments:
I want you to relate t this weather its being left to sit at the kids table during a holiday. Or being an outcast at school. Or your friends leaving you because you don't want to do what they want to do. Or if you have a condition that leaves you from doing what everyone else is doing. Or just feeling you don't belong.

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