Four feet eleven inches and one half | Teen Ink

Four feet eleven inches and one half

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Dashing under ropes with ease
Juking from here to there without a problem
Having my dad lift me over his shoulders and throw me into the pool without a struggle
Impressing my friends by being the limbo champion... Without even having to duck
Man, being small in second grade was the best

But as the years went by my friends got taller and taller.
And now I'm in 7th grade and still small.
Four feet eleven inches and a half.
58 inches: In group conversation, craning my neck to just barely see the underside of everyone's chin
3.2 cubits: Having to stand on my tiptoes just to be able to reach over the counter and buy myself some candy
1.5 meters: the Hulk. With 7 loops, three corkscrews, and a 2.3 second drop. Watching eagerly from behind the gate as my sister and dad slowly climb up the roller coaster that i was just a hair too short to ride.
15 decimeters: Having the height difference between my friends go from one inch to ten.
152 centimeters: Sitting down at the restaurant table and watching in horror as the pack of crayons is placed down at my seat with a little sign that reads "Ten and under"
1520 millimeters: Are you still shopping at gap kids? Cause i am!
four feet eleven inches and a half
Fifteen ten thousands of a kilometer: at a concert and all I wanna do is see my favorite band play my favorite song but instead looking at the back of everyone's head.
1.6 yards: You're not tall enough
1.6 yards: you're not tall enough
1.6 yards: you're not tall enough
5,898 centinches: The smallest of my friends the one that gets thrown around like the runt of the litter.
four feet eleven inches and a half
yes it sucks to be short, but sometimes I'm still able to dash under ropes
Sometimes I can dive through people's legs
And very rarely my dad can lift me up and throw me into the water

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because all throughout my life I have been picked on and teased about my height. My English teacher told me that poetry is a great way to get things off your chest so I decided to write this poem.

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