His Name is Bronson | Teen Ink

His Name is Bronson

September 20, 2015
By 7esteves GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7esteves GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His Name is Bronson


He was brought to life by Billy and Annette.
He played baseball, Gameboy, and his favorite toy jets.
Born in Wisconsin
His name is Bronson
He loved running, wrestling with dad, and getting wet.


He was dorky and shorter than most, with brown hair
with Spiderman and Star Wars clothes he would wear.
He raced Hot Wheels in the sand
and sang along to The Wiggles band
And playing with Angela’s Mardi Gras? For that, he didn’t care. 


Home is the host of the 4th of July and Thanksgiving Day
and where he made videos on Saturdays.
He wrestled with dad
when WWE was his fad. 
Home is where Nate stole the last muffin from Bronson’s hand away.


In game 3 versus the notorious Kettle Moraine, he volleyed the ball for the final time.
It hit the other side and the crowd cheered and cried.
He was held above his team
as he let out a sigh of relief
As Richmond conquered and brought home first prize.


He took his 8:00 a.m. morning driver’s test on only a can of Coke,
and became hyper and jittery. Holy smokes!
But with only fourteen points lost,
he received his license and took off
as he earned freedom and was totally stoked.


He still loves Billy and Annette the same
And continues to do baseball and games.
Raised in Wisconsin
His name is Bronson
Whose love for running and swimming in the sun remains.

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