Giving Up | Teen Ink

Giving Up

November 5, 2015
By Kelsey_Anna BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
Kelsey_Anna BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A smart man solves a problem, a wise man avoids it.
-Albert Einstein

The cuts on my thighs.

The slits on my wrist.

The pain in my eyes.

The hurt in my chest.


I am falling to peices,

butonly I can see,

what I am running from in these races,

before it kills me.


But what I've noticed,

from my running,

is that I've missed

my life, so sweet and cunning.


Life is the race,

you see,

staring into my blank eyes,

it stopped me.

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