Reflection | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By Anonymous

The person in the mirror
I dare not go near her
Why was I not blessed with perfection?
“I hate you” she yells back at her own reflection
The tears stream down her face, till her vision, a blur

Her friends against her, always calling her out
Don’t they know how much it hurts, everything they talk about?
Why can she not be thin to the bone?
The walls are up, built of stone
Trying new diets, day in and day out

Someone so young and innocent
Pierces her skin as if it were insignificant
At the age of 16, her inner voices become real
Her demons, her fears, her reality seems surreal
The stream of blood down her arm, oddly maleficent

“I am not perfect, nor will I ever be
how could anyone love me for me?
I am constantly standing out from the rest
Everything I do, my entire life, one big test
The thoughts in my mind suffocating me, all I want to do, is be free”

This Satanic terror will consume her forever.
She has no way out, it could not be clearer,
She was unhappy with her image, but not a sinner
She will always fear, the person in the mirror, it was foolish to go near her

The author's comments:

This is a poem dedicated to letting people know how impactful their words can really be and that everyone they meet in the world are dealing with their own battle 

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