Marine brother | Teen Ink

Marine brother

May 4, 2016
By cheerleadergal44136 BRONZE, New Kent, Virginia
cheerleadergal44136 BRONZE, New Kent, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My brother is a fighting hero 

much better than anyother superhero 


He is a marine fighting for us 

No need to go and discuss 


He risks his life for many over the nation

I don't really know his location 


When I see him I'll jump in his arms 

and for me there will no longer be any harms 


I'll see a nice warm light coming my way 

and i'll know he came to say hey 


But until then i'll wait until that day will come 

If I see him before then my body will go numb 


I will probally will cry tears of joy 

I will really enjoy 


I'm a proud sister of a marine brother 

I could keep going and say one thing after another 


but I'll leave it at this 

and be very bliss 


I love you cameron 

You are my champion!

The author's comments:

My brother is in the marines 

and will not be home for my birthday this year

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