Goofy Limericks | Teen Ink

Goofy Limericks

May 21, 2018
By CameronHinds BRONZE, OLATHE, Kansas
CameronHinds BRONZE, OLATHE, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a boy with a hat,
Which had a very small rat,
The boy had some gas,
The rat leaped into the grass,
To wish he was owned by a cat.

There man in space,
Who dreamt he lost his face,
He looked in the mirror,
And against his fear,
His face was still in place.

Once a boy had a cat,
And hated a great old cat,
He took a swing,
But did not ding,
And the cat ran off like that.

The author's comments:

Some Limericks I wrote for school.

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