Be like a bro | Teen Ink

Be like a bro

June 15, 2018
By hrid_13 SILVER, Whitefield, Other
hrid_13 SILVER, Whitefield, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love my country better that my family , but i love humanity more than my country ."


Yeah , i know

Its too hard for you

Its too sad for you

But what to do

That's me , your life .


Make mistakes ,

Don't get embarassed .

There are many ups and downs,

Believe me ,

That's me , your life .


Sooo....Be like a bro 

And cheer up and catch your dreams , go !

Jump over the obstacles , they are too high though.

Learn by your own mistakes

And dont loose hope , whoaaaa....


Sooo...Be like a bro

Come on get up , there's a long way to go

Believe in yourself , people will understimate you though .

Don't be upset and make it 

possible and here you go ,whoaaa...


So be like a bro,

S0obe like a bro,

So be like a,be like a , be like a bro ,

So....Be....Like a .....Brooooo.....

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