Brandy (You’re a fine girl) | Teen Ink

Brandy (You’re a fine girl)

May 17, 2024
By 5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not the clothes on the man it the man in the clothes" - Roscoe

The house on the southern Bay
It sits and stares at a hundred ships a day
The smooth waves fold onto polished stones.
Light glistens in every ripple stretching all across the water.
Lonely sailors pass the time away.
The scent of smoke burrows into my hair and clothes.
Cracking wood locks silence away.
My left hand was molded with my love.
The lake Falls and rise.
On a summer's day, we talk about our home.
My comfort hasn't come from the fire,
But radiating,
From the person who cares the most for me.
Her eyes could steal a sailor from the sea.
No blanket or book could put my mind at ease,
The way my favorite person does.

The author's comments:

I'm a junior in high school. My parents have asked me to prepare for heartbreak because high school relationships never last. I believe this will last. I believe I have found my soulmate as we are an exact copy of each other just different genders. I would like to prove my parents wrong and I would like to prove to this girl how much I love her.

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