Is This What Love is? | Teen Ink

Is This What Love is?

January 26, 2025
By emcar_BEEP BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
emcar_BEEP BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is this what love is?

The rush of dopamine hitting my head,

With so much as breathing a thought about…


The clarity I feel when you draw near,

How it feels like the world simply stops. 

When you’re here.

When it’s just the two of us.

Is this what love is?

The warmth I get from every glance my way.

My heart fluttering,

With every movement you make.

The joyful nervousness, 

From a single daydream about you.

Is this what love is?

My head spinning,

Finding different ways to keep you close, 

Keep you taking,

Keep you laughing,

Thinking about all the different things I like-. Love about you.

From the simplest mole by your nose.

To the text messages you send.

Is this what love is?

It must be..

If this is not love,

Then I’m not sure I’ll ever find it.

If this is not love then I could never find, Someone I love more, 

Than the someone I love now.

The author's comments:

I have been writing lyrics or poetry for many years, and this would be my first ever submission. I have always wanted to get my work out there so people could connect and enjoy it. This piece is based on my feelings about my first relationship. I am not sure how good it is because I never shared it with anyone, but I do want to get out of my comfort zone and share it. 

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This article has 2 comments.

ezpz314 said...
on Mar. 9 at 11:43 pm
ezpz314, Aurora, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is beautiful, please keep writing more.

on Feb. 18 at 2:16 pm
readingislife224, Bartlett, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you only look for what you have lost, when do you look for new opportunities?

This is actually amazing. You've perfectly captured the intense feelings and uncertainty of love.