Forties and Wisconsin Sunrise | Teen Ink

Forties and Wisconsin Sunrise

February 8, 2011
By Kirby.Wright BRONZE, Denton, Texas
Kirby.Wright BRONZE, Denton, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Dear Child, I only did to you as the sparrow did to you. I am old when it is fashionable to be young, I cry when it is fashionable to laugh. I hated you when it would have taken less courage to love.&quot;<br /> <br /> -Charles Bukowski

Mama stands like steel in my doorway
Loving me even when I've been cruel.
With tears in our eyes, we're right at the threshold
But the foot of my bed's never been so far away.

So blame me, just blame me, I never wanted to see you so sad.
And your eyes, like lighthouses, cut throught the fog make me see what I have.

Crying for what I haven't lost yet
But looking back only gets you so far
And little girls with kisses on both cheeks
Make me feel like I'm so much older than I am.

Now take me and tame me
I'm sick of having all this control
I'm tired, so tired
Of staying up late, selling strangers my soul.

And I don't know where time ends, but I know I don't wanna be there without you.
And it never rained until September, now I'm saying words I didn't know I knew.

My towers are down
Worn by the struggle.
I've listened through walls and I've heard everything.
Two A.M.
Tears in the back room
And it makes me nervous cause he's not supposed to cry.

So save me, please save me, my legs are too weak to make my last stand.
Now I look up, I'm looking up, waiting for someone to hold out their hand.

The author's comments:
This song is the one that I've put the most of myself into. It's got alot to do with my family, and the mistakes I've made in that department, and also with the life choices and relationship choices I made this crazy, but wonderful summer. The song title comes from a friend of mine who told me that once I wrote a song that was actually worth a shit (his words, not mine) he wanted it to be called, "Forties and Wisconsin Sunrise." So here it is!

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