Acceptance I Yearn | Teen Ink

Acceptance I Yearn

October 3, 2011
By Cody_Goelz PLATINUM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Cody_Goelz PLATINUM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
25 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only God Can Judge Me
2pac Amaru Shakur

life goes on
2pac Amaru Shakur

Verse 1

Im overwhelmed, crazy with stress,
Spiting me a rap helps to make it less,
Im close to passing an getting by in school,
But only when I succeed will it be cool,
I walk around carrol wearing my rockowear,
Its amazing how many haterz stop and stare,
I purposely try to be diverse,
But it seems to me that it only makes it worse,
Me being different I guess it the issue,
I don’t believe it is me I believe it is you,
If only these haterz would take a second to learn,
I want to be different but exceptance I yearn,
Maybe you should take a second, get to know me,
You would amaze yourself at how astonished you would be,
I don’t have a problem just stay on my good side,
But if you start to hate I will pumble you like a high tide,
This nation is becoming a whole, acting an dressing the same,
Heck many even have the same name,
They listen to the same music an eat the same food,
If you’re a little different people get really rude,

Chorus: (Repeat)
So all of you people take a second and learn,
I may be a lil different but acceptance I yearn,
An all of you people take a second to earn,
My respect before you get yourself burned,
Talk about me an prepare to think fast,
You better start living everyday like its your last,

Verse 2:
You really wanna know how to lessen conflict,
Quit spending everyday treatin me like a convict,
My lyrics have the power,
To make my adversaries cower,
But I stress to you I’m still human,
If you hat hated on you to would be fumin
Were all human we need to love one another,
Treat every other person like they’re your brother,
Quit using money as a means to pick your friends,
You’re not better than me cuz you drive a Mercedes Benz,
Start to pick your friends, for who they are,
An not because the fact that they have a cool car,
A real friend you couldn’t buy with money,
So how many real friends you got it may be a lil funny,

Chorus: (repeat)
So all of you people take a second and learn,
I may be a lil different but acceptance I yearn,
An all of you people take a second to earn,
My respect before you get yourself burned,
Talk about me an prepare to think fast,
You better start living everyday like it’s your last,

The author's comments:
This Piece inspired me because as I walk around school i have kids that make fun and hate on me everyday

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