Regret. | Teen Ink


October 24, 2011
By xFallenAngeletteX SILVER, Grovertown, Indiana
xFallenAngeletteX SILVER, Grovertown, Indiana
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.<br /> Insecurity kills all that is beautiful.

shadows moving in the dark
i lean against the fallen bark
trying to hide the bruring pain
while trying not to go insane
blood dripping from my hands
scars made from swollen bands
sweat tickling my face
as i hide in this forbidden place

thoughts of you invade my world
screaming regrets at you are hurled
with one slip the lights go dim
my life again is turned to him
the silent stillness is screams at me
what was it that he didnt see
did my love not shine through
was it not true enough for you

my searing pain is just too real
i dont even begin to heal
i wanted everything from this
but you ripped away my happy bliss
you dont feel the horrid sting that you decison seemed to bring
i hate this he** he put me through
but this he knows is true

thoughts of you invade my world
screaming regrets at you are hurled
with one slip the lights go dim
my life again is turned to him
the silent stillness is screams at me
what was it that he didnt see
did my love not shine through
was it not true enough for you

my useless body's going numb
in this stillness i begin to hum
i pull my strenth from deep within

thoughts of you invade my world
screaming regrets at you are hurled
with one slip the lights go dim
my life again is turned to him
the silent stillness is screams at me
what was it that he didnt see
did my love not shine through
was it not true enough for you
the knife cuts my skin
welcoming my endless sleep

The author's comments:
this is about the feeling of someone completely taking over your mind and you having no control over what they do.

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