Is Love Hate? - Draft 1 | Teen Ink

Is Love Hate? - Draft 1

June 3, 2012
By Life-On-Earth-Today BRONZE, Caversham, Other
Life-On-Earth-Today BRONZE, Caversham, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can&#039;t blame gravity,<br /> For falling in love - Einstein

What is love
If not like hate?
What would I feel,

If everything,
Was, fine?

What is love,
If it's not me,
Chasing you?
What would I feel,
If you,
Loved me, back.

Why do you,
Make me feel so
Desperate and wrong?
And I, remember,
All the things you told me,
All the things I fe-e-elt.
And I say to you-

What is love,
If it's not screaming in the rain?
What would I feel,

If everything,
Was how it used to be?
Why does my heart pound,
If I hate you?
What is love,
What is, love?

What is love
If it's not me,
Chasing you?

What would I feel,

If you,

Loved me, ba-ck.

How did we ever,

Get this way?

When did we go wrong?

When did we become so useless,

Why can't you look in my eyes?

I remember all the moments,
We shared.
I remember it all,
And I say to you-

What is love,
If not like hate?
What would I feel,
If everything,
Was, fine.

What is love,
If it's not me,
Chasing you?
What would I feel,
If you,
Loved me, back.


The author's comments:
Please help me with any tips?
Thanks :)

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