Crumbs On the Floor | Teen Ink

Crumbs On the Floor

April 10, 2013
By sooraalsalaam GOLD, Ellicott City,
sooraalsalaam GOLD, Ellicott City,
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Words mean nothing until they mean something to YOU."

"Be the person you love. That way, the person who falls in love with you falls in love with what you love."

"Always keep an open mind. You never know what beauty you may find."

There's always time
We will be fine
Don't worry about that guy you forgot to tip
Just sweep those crumbs onto the floor
Someone will pick them up
Just throw that smoothie out the window

There will be time to pick up, and clean up
Someone's gotta do it, someone has to do it
Or else the whole world will fall apart
But it's not our job
To obsess over the small things
And the things that don't make any difference
So sweep those crumbs onto the floor
Someone sooner or later will clean that mess up

Sweep those crumbs onto the floor
It's not our job
We're doing the best we can
I think the world will realize
But what if they don't
But what if they don't
what if they don't
what if they don't realize how nice we are
and how bad parenting left us without any manners

Oh - who cares, that's in the past
not in the present,
Just sweep those crumbs onto the floor
Just sweep those crumbs onto the floor
It's not our job to pick them up
But someone will or else our whole world will fall apart
Fall apart
Fall apart

We don't own this restaurant
We're just guests
We could easily leave and never come back
So just sweep those crumbs onto the floor
And we'll hear nothing more

The author's comments:
It's about not caring for the consequences of your actions because you don't think the little things you do will turn into big things....but then again, they just might.

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