This Heart of Mine | Teen Ink

This Heart of Mine

July 11, 2013
By Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we write, because so much chaos is taking place inside us, that to refrain from letting out those personal intimacies is to refrain from the strength to continue living."

It was me, my fault
To accept and later on take action
A type assault
To please my continued dissatisfaction

You had me at “beautiful”
And I stepped off the edge
My brain frozen and my heart delusional
No time to allege

Miles and oceans far apart
Still, deep inside my heart
Our love only a work of art
Only us at the start

Caught in a cloud
Too high above the ground
All the promises we vowed
Buried in a glorious grave mound

Every silent heartbeat
Simply a reminder of you
Stuck on repeat
Please help me carry through

Still with you
I stand alone
My heart you threw
On a stepping stone

Love me when you can
Only three words to say
And so our journey began
Of our love fading away

Hanging on a branch so weak
Uncertain what the future holds
Not able to see the mountain peak
Let us see what fate unfolds

Too many differences
Only the similarity of love
But with no preferences
To hear the mourning dove

Looking out to the horizon on the sea
Reaching out to the moon and starts at night
Can you feel our souls set free?
At the end of the tunnel, in light?

The author's comments:
Long Distance Relationships are very tough but it makes a person very strong and in the end I'm sure it's worth it.

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